Tricks of the Trade

In this section we'll be covering all aspects of the decorating process from colour selection all the way to product recommendations and the more technical side of paint application. Keeping scrolling for more info.

Colour Palettes

Picking the Right Off-White

Whether you’re looking for the right accent for your trim or want to re-do your entire home in a more neutral aesthetic, landing on the right off-white for your space can be an overwhelming decision. There are dozens of shades out there that have very subtle differences between them so it’s easy to get lost in the process for even the most trained eyes. 

To help make this choice easier for you, we’ve decided to highlight a small selection of colours that the designers, realtors and homeowners we’ve worked with over the years have frequently turned to for their projects. 

By far the most popular choice is Chantilly Lace (OC-65) as it is by far one of the brightest shades available and provides the biggest pop when used on trim. It has supplanted Cloud White (CC-40) as the industry’s go-to shade of choice.

If none of these speak to you, we are more than happy to aid you in the selection process so you can find the perfect match for your needs. Don’t hesitate to ask.

Colour Palettes

Neutral Colours: Grays

Just like whites and off-whites, neutral grays have very difficult to discern subtle differences between each shade.  There are just as many slight variations that can take your living space in an entirely different direction than you had expected once your walls are covered from floor to ceiling. Hopefully by reading on we can help make the selection process easier for you.

When picking a neutral gray that works best for your space you should focus on the undertone you want to work with first — deciding if you want an overall cool or warm feel is probably the simplest way to go about this. Cool grays have either a bluish hue to them or slightly mauve at times (EX: Cement Gray). Warm greys have an almost clay like appearance that borders on a slight sage tint (EX: Gray Horse).

It’s important to be cognizant that less is more in the case of grays as it is with off whites. The undertones will be amplified as it sizes up from the paint chip to the wall. These four colour chips are some of the most common options our professional clients have chosen to work with over the past few years.

Colour Palettes

Neutral Colours: Greiges

coming soon…

Colour Palettes

Bold Accents

coming soon…